Level Cap increase discussion

RickRollerRickRoller Member Posts: 30
With the livestream on Friday mentioning a lot of things, the announcement that Kabam was adding one mastery point for Necropolis completion was an interesting reward. Many summoners, like myself, have long since hit the level cap of level 60 and explored all of Act 4 (when that was the big endgame content) to get the maximum mastery points. With Kabam seeming to show some interest in adding mastery points in future content, I think it’s worth discussing if Kabam should discuss if the level cap should be increased as well. Here’s my reasoning for why I think it should be increased:
1. As mentioned previously, the level 60 cap was a launch feature (if I recall) when Act 4 was a daunting challenge. With how much Kabam have done to make story content easier for new summoners in Acts 1-4, it may be worth putting all of the unused XP to reward players who push towards exploring the difficult content that awaits in Act 5 and beyond.
2. Opponent health and attack pools in endgame content have gotten so massive, adding a single point into the assassin mastery or mystic dispersion (for example) masteries may not make as big of a difference as it would in early content. I feel adding mastery points to allow more combinations of masteries (without unlocking all of the available masteries) to those who go above level 60 to be able to tackle harder content with a minor boost that won’t overall break the game.
3. The XP boosts I get are literally worthless and I sell them for gold whenever I get them since I have no use for them since I’ve gotten to level 60. Giving out an item many of the high end players who spend money on the game have no use for and can’t help is unhelpful for them and finding a way for players to use them would be useful.
I think Kabam have been better in recent years about being transparent than they used to be about making changes and allowing for discussions about the game and the game team. If the level cap was increased to 70, I don’t see it being so game breaking as to make it unfair. I want to hear what the community has to say and if a Kabam has anything they want to add to this. Thank you for your time


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,699 ★★★★★
    I love a new level cap but its down to kabam on if they made a new cap what should be in levels but i dont think they will
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,579 ★★★★★
    Level cap is not important.

    They are giving out a mastery point in a little over a week which is nice and arguably the most valuable reward in all of the necropolis. Energy is what it is. We all want more, but like Gold, there is an over abundance of it for those who can manage resources.
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    They don’t want to add even more Mastery Points.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,083 ★★★★★
    WOLF_LINK said:

    They don’t want to add even more Mastery Points.

    Except they are with necropolis so that's just wrong. The entire game is built around the max level and the amount of energy you can get in a day for free at least. Upgrading the max level would cause the side and event quests to become more energy sinks than they already are.
  • MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
    if they ever raise level cap they need to make it really hard / long to progress so they dont have to raise it right away. especially if you want only 10 more level, if not adding mastery points why not giving some currencies (except units ofc)
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,508 ★★★★
    I could see them doing again eventually, but definitely needs to be something useful and isn't achievable over night.
  • FitnesscwFitnesscw Member Posts: 216 ★★
    I'm fine if they added 20 more levels. Give 0 rewards. Solely bragging rights
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    They don’t want to add even more Mastery Points.

    Except they are with necropolis so that's just wrong. The entire game is built around the max level and the amount of energy you can get in a day for free at least. Upgrading the max level would cause the side and event quests to become more energy sinks than they already are.
    If you would have listened to their Livestream you would knew the explanation. They basically added this one extra Mastery Point to Necro so people stop asking and making threads like this.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 923 ★★★
    Think early on the level cap was 50, then they raised it to 60.
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