What’s wrong with objective?

You need to take rhino with skill, tech or science champ in any mode, except practice. I took rhino twice in 1.1.3. Doesn’t work. How am I supposed to do the objective?

Broader point though is attention to detail by game team. My bet is this isn’t the only thing not tagged/tagged incorrectly.
Dr. Zola
Oh well their lost.
Is the rhino objkective broken elsewhere? it is. Is the winter objkective broken elsewhere? it is.
Should it be broken there? it should not. why give me disagre for pointing that out?
Are you the one responsibel for this to be broken that you are so deprerate to defend this bug even with such low blow?
And just FYI i did all the objectives in EQ and arenas basicaly "at random" without looking for them too hard, and I still hadn't done any SQ run. Maybe I wont at all for the firs time in history. Or maybe one for the 7k shards... maybe two more for the cats... I dont care tor the A. I have several that I do not need at all.
And this has nothing to do with the fact that these objectives are broken.
Alos you being furious that we do not want to do them in yours "expected way" will not change them being broken.
I think they need to make sure the objectives register all “versions” of a champ for completion or specify it has to be a specific champ in a specific quest to avoid this problem.
Or we’ll just get a dozen of these threads every time they run these target based objectives.