R5 6* or 2 R4 6*

SerggggggggSergggggggg Member Posts: 15
I’m able to get my 1st R5 6* but I realized I only have 7 R4 6*. Should I rank up 2 more 6* to rank 4 or rank up 1 6* to R5.

R5 6* or 2 R4 6* 23 votes

Rank 5 6*
56% 13 votes
2 more Rank 4 6*
43% 10 votes


  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,570 ★★★★
    Actually it depends on the champ. If the rank up is a champ that is unlikely to get a 7* within the next year such as herc or a strong champ that could get a 7* within the next year but the utility the character brings is so useful such as doom then you should r5 them because they will be important to a lot of content that’s to come. Other then that save the tier 6 cc for a r2 7* and focus on r4’ing champs
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