Looking for active alliance

Planning on leaving my current alliance this Thursday, June 8th as soon as I receive my SA rewards. I am looking for an alliance that is very active and prioritizes AQ over anything else and runs map 5x5. I also have no problem with running map 6 a day or two. I can clear my own path in both AQ and AW. Feel free to message me in game or on line app. Line app for faster response.

Game- lXxgameoverxXl
Line- lXxgameoverxXl

Hero Rating-267k
Current prestige-4024
New prestige with R5 Voodoo before the next AQ starts will be 4339.
I could also R5 my Phoenix for the right alliance but really, really don't want to. Prestige would be 4571.

I live on the east coast and prefer to join a US based alliance.


  • HrishiHrishi Member Posts: 4
    Hey would you like to join my ally? 7.5 m ally tier1 in war and map5×5.
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