Incursions not working correctly

Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131
When I entered incursions as I usually do monthly to grind out artifacts I noticed I could no longer enter lvl 4 incursions even tho rewards show up for lvl 4 incursions on my list I’m allowed to do… I was able to do from 4 to 6 monthly last 2 months but this month it will not allow me to access lvl 4 anymore.. is this a bug or did kabam change what level incursions paragon players can enter?


  • Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131

  • Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131

  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,588 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023
    The total rating of your team is “too high” to allow you into sector 4. You have just above 75k total rating with that team and if you notice the recommended rating for sector 5 is between 40,000-75,000, so you are just above that. For some reason it won’t let you do a lower sector if your team rating is higher than the recommended for the sector above the one your are trying to do. (Hopefully that made sense.) Go in with a slightly lower rating team and it’ll work. (I just tested it to confirm.)
  • Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131
    That’s weird tho last month I didn’t need to lower my team to do it idk why it changed or if it was bugged before but that is kinda silly to be power locked in content you could do previously with anyone
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,588 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023

    That’s weird tho last month I didn’t need to lower my team to do it idk why it changed or if it was bugged before but that is kinda silly to be power locked in content you could do previously with anyone

    I think it’s an old feature that never really got paid enough attention for them to change it. As for being able to do it last month, your team is just barely over the maximum rating so you probably changed masteries or ranked up one of those 3 champs which increased their PI.
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 856 ★★★★
    Come on man , give the defenders a chance to fight back, Lol, at least take out Apoc and add Groot :D
  • Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131
    Makes sense I did lower and got in but it worked last month for me idk still got it done thanks for letting me know that’s what it was appreciate that .
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Once it's started just use the choice nodes to put in the champs you actually want
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