Compensation for items lost?

Nichoas_1Nichoas_1 Member Posts: 147 ★★
Will we ever see compensation for elders marks, energy, or battlegrounds tokens for all the cheaters that may have beaten us before they were expelled? The two things I’d love to see changed would be compensation to everyone who faced these people, and a move up the ranks in gc should this have been egregious enough. Like maybe give those people the highest rank they were able to achieve before getting knocked down by dishonest players. I think you guys do pretty well, and continue to get better. The aforementioned has definetly been on my mind for a few seasons tho. Any word?


  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Cheaters are a rare occurrence maybe 2 or 3 times a season. I faced 3 cheaters in a 6 game span this season, never saw any others prior or since. We never got elder marks for the infinite loading screens and selecting a pre-fight causing a disconnect issue. So no, I don't think we will.
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