Act 4 and Act 5 comp

I know everybody's probably tired of hearing this same old story but hear me out okay? i completed act 4 and started on act 5 a week or 2 before the revamp goes live, mind you i had started exploring act 4 already, and one day i wake up and i can't get the mastery points anymore? the other rewards are nice but i've since become thronebreaker and don't really need the other stuff other than iso and gold maybe but upon entering act 7 i can confidently say that i NEED the mastery points and i say that because i believe that me not having 4 extra points in my mastery trees is directly affecting my progress in the game. This many months later
i thought i'd be able to do without them for a while, and i kinda did, but now i'm living in fear because kabam is focusing on all these other projects and new content and stuff and it kinda feels like us noobs have been forgotten about. My account is currently at level 53 and it's become a little difficult and tedious to level up and making up the mastery points that way would take forever, not forgetting about the fact that other people who are on my level, have a +4 mastery advantage over me, even in battlegrounds. The 4 points would unlock despair for me which is a game changing mastery for those who know it, even at level 1. I really really hope kabam can do something about this