Thoughts on the new AQ update

The new menu system is cool, a couple bugs, but nothing too concerning.

The rewards update is… very minor? Looks like I’ll be getting an increase of ~400 glory
Glory store appears unchanged, are there plans to update this?
Bosses & minibosses have been updated, seem quite easy so far.
Standard path fights remain the same. Would have been nice to get a little variation here. Not the end of the world though.
Would be great to hear everyone’s thoughts & opinions on the update.

The rewards update is… very minor? Looks like I’ll be getting an increase of ~400 glory
Glory store appears unchanged, are there plans to update this?
Bosses & minibosses have been updated, seem quite easy so far.
Standard path fights remain the same. Would have been nice to get a little variation here. Not the end of the world though.
Would be great to hear everyone’s thoughts & opinions on the update.