Necropolis easier than Abyss ?

KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Member Posts: 118
Hey everyone
After watching Seatin, KT1 and Swedeah DESTROY Necropolis, I wondered if Necropolis is easier than Abyss (I know health pools and attack rating are 3x Times higher and thé defenders are stronger) but hear me out
To be honest, I have completed none of them do I can't give my opinion about it BUT it seemed "easier" to complete Necropolis day 1 with current 6*R5 champs (Kate Bishop/Baron Zemo...), 7* champs (Shuri, Odin did well for Swedeah's runs...), ascension etc... than it was back then with 5* R5 champs when Abyss came out (2018 I think but I might be wrong)
I would love to hear veteran players' opinion about the difficulty in Abyss back then in 2018 and the difficulty in Necropolis nowadays

PS : Forgive me if my english isn't good


  • KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Member Posts: 118
    *so I can't give my opinion
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,484 ★★★★★
    Abyss was in January 2020. If I remember could be 2021
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    Abyss was more difficult on release because there was less counters. Also, all these YouTubers and players’ skill set vastly improved since Abyss. So combine with more counters and improved skill set, Necropolis appear easier.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,826 ★★★★★
    I did my initial path of Abyss this year (I think, but it may have been towards the end of last year). And I just did my first path of Necropolis this morning. Looking back at my notes, I spent more on Abyss by about 20 revives (both were still a lot), so I'm going to say Necropolis is easier (and more enjoyable since there's no dumb evade).
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    removing the "fun and interactive" evade alone makes necropolis much more fun to play than abyss . Plus , the current state of the game now is better than when abyss drop too , we can use lots of champs in necro , like shuri , odin , kate , stryfe , nick fury , abs man , aegon , and basically any 7 star r2 which have solid damage output.... while abyss when it dropped only involve around nick , aegon , torch , doom
  • HasibullahfidaHasibullahfida Member Posts: 188
    Emilia90 said:

    Abyss’s difficulty was also artificially inflated by the mechanics of the fight. The charges would kill you no matter how well you played (unless you had a slow mechanic and played while they were unblockable) but Necro has a fair mechanic and you can actually solo fights

    Who was your team?
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    It’s not that it’s easier, it’s just designed better overall
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