Poor Souls Cosmic Club

Vassili24Vassili24 Member Posts: 111
edited November 2023 in General Discussion
Welcome to the Poor Souls Cosmic Club. This club is for all those who worked hard to get the initial clear of Necropolis only to be rewarded with the worst possible class gem. As a member of this club you will get to decide to rank up whichever unappealing Cosmic you have or spend the next few months grinding revives so you can ultimately get that 7* Maestro. As a bonus you get to watch all your alliance mates cheer as they take their Titanias, Chavez, Silks, Bishops, Shuris, and others to rank 3. Sound too good to be true? Wait there’s more, you will also get the joy of banning their rank 3s in BGs so they never get to use them and not having to worry about your own rank 3 getting banned because it’s sitting in your inventory in gem form waiting for a cosmic worth using it on! If this sounds like the club for you, rank up those Aegons and finish the Necropolis today. As a reminder please play responsibly, all deaths are greatly appreciated by the community!


  • Vassili24Vassili24 Member Posts: 111

    Cosmic made me super happy. Sorry you’re miserable.

    Nice, how is Vox? I have not had the pleasure of getting him yet.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    Vassili24 said:

    Welcome to the Poor Souls Cosmic Club. This club is for all those who worked hard to get the initial clear of Necropolis only to be rewarded with the worst possible class gem. As a member of this club you will get to decide to rank up whichever unappealing Cosmic you have or spend the next few months grinding revives so you can ultimately get that 7* Maestro. As a bonus you get to watch all your alliance mates cheer as they take their Titanias, Chavez, Silks, Bishops, Shuris, and others to rank 3. Sound too good to be true? Wait there’s more, you will also get the joy of banning their rank 3s in BGs so they never get to use them and not having to worry about your own rank 3 getting banned because it’s sitting in your inventory in gem form waiting for a cosmic worth using it on! If this sounds like the club for you, rank up those Aegons and finish the Necropolis today. As a reminder please play responsibly, all deaths are greatly appreciated by the community!

    No idea what you are on about. Out of the 15 cosmics as 7*s (including the titan pool and excluding maestro), there are at least 7-8 options that are worth r3ing. If u don't have any, that sucks but cosmic gem is certainly not sthng i'd be unhappy about pulling
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,595 ★★★★★
    You should hold your cosmic 2-3 gem very dearly because one day, a random Kabam intern will mistakenly open the flood gates of 7* Hercules, everyone will regret and cry for Kabam to undo it but it will be too late, far too late as massive horde of summoners already have used high value 2-3 gem (not rare than t2 alpha btw) and with no choice but to let it be, Kabam will allow 7* Hercules to be obtainable finally, after an offer enough to empty the retirement funds of most goldfishes, children's education fee of dolphins and weekly expenses of whales.

    So preserve that gem as much as you can.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Vassili24 said:

    Luckily, my opinion is shared by several of the top players.

    two wrongs don't make a right girlie <3
  • Vassili24Vassili24 Member Posts: 111
    Cool story
  • Dab_westDab_west Member Posts: 178 ★★
    hes right, the cosmic class for 7 stars is really bad.
    No one who plays competitively wants a 7 star 2-3 gem unless they are exploring necro in the near future
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023
    I got mutant, quite literally the only class I didn't have a viable option for, storm, sauron and Dani moonstar all unawakened. I had Vox and Hype, Wong duped and Wiccan Sig 60, Hulk titania and overseer all duped, Black panther and mantis duped and Shuri and Mysterio both duped.

    I expected mutant, I accepted mutant, before I even approached the grandmaster of disappointment
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 898 ★★★

    I got mutant, quite literally the only class I didn't have a viable option for, storm, sauron and Dani moonstar all unawakened. I had Vox and Hype, Wong duped and Wiccan Sig 60, Hulk titania and overseer all duped, Black panther and mantis duped and Shuri and Mysterio both duped.

    I expected mutant, I accepted mutant, before I even approached the grandmaster of disappointment

    Would you r3 black panther?
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 333 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    As a lucky guy with a r3 cosmic gem, I sooo much agree with you. Despite getting a cosmic champ from my one and so far only titan crystal, it does not help me a bit. I am NOT going to take Gladiator (in his current version) to r3 - or even r2 for that matter.

    However, I am 'forced' to r3 a cosmic to become Valiant any time soon.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Good 7* cosmics: Gorr, Hyperion, Angela, CM, Gamora, Knull, Maestro, Odin, Terrax, VTD, Vox, Venom.

    Decent 7* cosmics: Vision, Surfer, Gladiator.

    Bad 7* cosmics: Red Goblin.
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    I have 3x 7* Cosmics and would say all of them are worth R3 … Venom no doubt, Angela in zhe future with dupe/Sig and Hyperion.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited November 2023
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    yeah...gotta agree with you brother , this r3 of mine is not bad , but definitely miles away from my other r3 options like duped titania , shuri , shangchi , duped bishop and sassy
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,313 ★★★★★
    I'm in poor tech club you can guess why...
    Followed by the Beyond champs rocket and war machine.
    The best tech I use on regular basis is G99. I run suicides permanently. If I face a r4 defender with my ramped guilly, I have to repeat parry to get to sp3. Even my r1 g99 is overkill, Im not even considering her r2 let alone r3.

    Exploration is coming but it'll take time.
    I need too many champs from basic selector. It would hurt to select shuri just cuz of the gem.
    But that problem will come after I explore...going for second path later today.
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 195 ★★
    And here I am worrying about which one to take up: Venom (duped), Vox, Silver Surfer, or Terrax. Cosmic was exactly what I wanted.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I like my cosmic roster: r2 Gorr and Gamora, and r1 Venom, Terrax, Surfer, and Odin.

    I would r3 Gamora in a heartbeat, personally. Zero hesitation.
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