Necropolis Champion Option R5 Ascended KP

I was planning on Ascending and R5 my Kingpin but Necropolis is forcing me to rethink a bit so i tried him against the Titania path and he took down 1 million health in less than 5 mins before I fumbled it on that test run. He's a R4 rn no ascension. To those who completed that path. What are your thoughts? Is he a viable option for Necropolis? Thanks
I mean, r5 and Ascend him, by all means. He'll be a menace in Battlegrounds and Alliance War. But I don't know that Necropolis will be his dominant stomping ground.
Happy to be proved wrong - post details, if you go for it...
As for Zemo, I'd highly advice r5 ascended with extra Zemo synergies just because you really want to one shot that Air Walker or kill him on second try. If you don't kill Air Walker on your second try with Zemo you're kinda screwed and will probably have to start over or use a ton of units.
Then for GM you probably want reverse control immune for that last phase, that's it basically.
He won't be that quick. He can definitely still work, he does for me but personally I really want that r5 so I don't have to play two whole minutes against the defender with passive power gain and unblockable like I just did cause that can be a bit tricky. If you want my advice, be patient and get him to r5.
Assume a R5 ascended AV. I have checked path 2 and I’m sure just two champs out of 14 (excluding GM) are bleed immune