Game AI really gone crazy!!!

AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★
edited November 2023 in General Discussion
Today one of my alliance mate shared a video of AW in that i saw unbelievable Dex on special attack. It was quicksilver against juggernaut. My alliance mate tried intercept with sp1 but literally juggernaut dexed full sp1.

Couldn't upload the video so sharing the screenshot. 3 Dex can be seen in this. Just curious see your thoughts if anyone seen this before or it is normal in aw. Video is more interesting then the screenshot.

@Kabam Miike is this AI is future of this game? If yes then we will keep this in mind while fighting in aw or bgs. Because in doom cycle we always charge sp2 from a distance because it is unblockable. If opponent AI can Dex quicksilver sp1 then it also do the same with doom sp2.


  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★

    Necro AI is also different. They complete 5 hit combos at a much higher rate...

    Bro necro AI would be advance that I can understand. But AW this seems not fair. There is not much reward in aw even in P4. You can get much more than this in EQ TB and Paragon guantlet. Then why AW AI is being so much difficult and tricky.
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★★
    Avnish said:

    Necro AI is also different. They complete 5 hit combos at a much higher rate...

    Bro necro AI would be advance that I can understand. But AW this seems not fair. There is not much reward in aw even in P4. You can get much more than this in EQ TB and Paragon guantlet. Then why AW AI is being so much difficult and tricky.
    Upload the video to youtube and lin from there
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Why @Kabam Miike you guys keep silent on these kind of issue.

    When these kind of issues going to be resolved. This kind of buggy AI cost alliances losing the war.

    I am surprised even community didn't respond on it as well.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    Avnish said:

    Why @Kabam Miike you guys keep silent on these kind of issue.

    When these kind of issues going to be resolved. This kind of buggy AI cost alliances losing the war.

    I am surprised even community didn't respond on it as well.

    What exactly is the bug? Are you suggesting that the defender dex'ing QSs SP1 is the bug or that defenders in AW using mastery's is the bug?
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    @Demonzfyre So bro you are saying it is a normal behaviour to Dex special in AW. Becuz if this is future of AI of this. Then how will be playable. Imo this is wrong. AI should not work like that.

    There are so many places we intercept with special attacks and throw the unblockable special on block. If AI Dex the special whole special attack then it will playable.

    And FYI the bug is the AI behaviour. That should not behave like this. Idk what kabam is planning to make AI of this game unplayable. They can do that. There are so many issues in AI behaviour like parrying special attacks even you throw just after the combo. sometime it seems like autoblock.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Avnish said:

    @Demonzfyre So bro you are saying it is a normal behaviour to Dex special in AW. Becuz if this is future of AI of this. Then how will be playable. Imo this is wrong. AI should not work like that.

    There are so many places we intercept with special attacks and throw the unblockable special on block. If AI Dex the special whole special attack then it will playable.

    And FYI the bug is the AI behaviour. That should not behave like this. Idk what kabam is planning to make AI of this game unplayable. They can do that. There are so many issues in AI behaviour like parrying special attacks even you throw just after the combo. sometime it seems like autoblock.

    I'm asking you to clarify what you think the bug is. Is dex'ing the bug or dex'ing 3 times a bug? Are you saying that in AW and Arena and BGs that mastery's should be disabled for defenders?
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 1,536 ★★★★

    Avnish said:

    @Demonzfyre So bro you are saying it is a normal behaviour to Dex special in AW. Becuz if this is future of AI of this. Then how will be playable. Imo this is wrong. AI should not work like that.

    There are so many places we intercept with special attacks and throw the unblockable special on block. If AI Dex the special whole special attack then it will playable.

    And FYI the bug is the AI behaviour. That should not behave like this. Idk what kabam is planning to make AI of this game unplayable. They can do that. There are so many issues in AI behaviour like parrying special attacks even you throw just after the combo. sometime it seems like autoblock.

    I'm asking you to clarify what you think the bug is. Is dex'ing the bug or dex'ing 3 times a bug? Are you saying that in AW and Arena and BGs that mastery's should be disabled for defenders?
    Anything they said reads as "in AW and Arena and BGs that mastery's should be disabled for defenders" or are you making that up? Because I didn't read that at all
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    Avnish said:

    @Demonzfyre So bro you are saying it is a normal behaviour to Dex special in AW. Becuz if this is future of AI of this. Then how will be playable. Imo this is wrong. AI should not work like that.

    There are so many places we intercept with special attacks and throw the unblockable special on block. If AI Dex the special whole special attack then it will playable.

    And FYI the bug is the AI behaviour. That should not behave like this. Idk what kabam is planning to make AI of this game unplayable. They can do that. There are so many issues in AI behaviour like parrying special attacks even you throw just after the combo. sometime it seems like autoblock.

    I'm asking you to clarify what you think the bug is. Is dex'ing the bug or dex'ing 3 times a bug? Are you saying that in AW and Arena and BGs that mastery's should be disabled for defenders?
    Anything they said reads as "in AW and Arena and BGs that mastery's should be disabled for defenders" or are you making that up? Because I didn't read that at all
    You can't get dex'd in quests or AQ. You can't get parried in quests or AQ. OP's screenshot is war and they've talked about Dex and Parry. Those are mastery's. But I agree, you didn't read at all.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 797 ★★★★
    Did they dex the full special or is it possible it was just a timing thing where the attacker threw a special right when the defender dashed back and with quicksilver that may have dodged 3 hits?

    If the defender dexed an entire quicksilver special without some evade mechanic that’s a problem.

    If they just dexed the first few hits because they initiated a dash back at the same time or right before the special was thrown, that happens sometimes, especially with quicksilver trying to chain specials off his combos because the timing is so different from a standard combo.
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