7* r3 gem help

MocamanMocaman Member Posts: 70
So from necro completion i got a cosmic 2-3 gem. And i have only 2 7* cosmics in gamora n surfer, none awakened. Should i rank gamora up, or wait for some1 else (considering cyberweek is nearing i could get some cool pulls).
This is gonne be my first r3

7* r3 gem help 46 votes

Gamora all the way
Spity68SungjJannasPikoluJyoung1Milan1405ChrisP55OmedennSean_WhoBustergdudeThanos101010Ezzaron 12 votes
Save the gem
BigTuna_2054Drake2078bm3eppsKaspYTGarlopseudosaneMoosetiptronicJustcause102CalwooddaddyWhoDaPooNanosamaTripleBRenaxqqPhillip14233Adri5846AlmccarthyILoveDrDoomCyrillFromTulaJT_Supremetfdakota7 34 votes


  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    You can wait until your 2nd Gem to reach Valiant immediately. But Gamora is fine.
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    Save the gem
    The offers are only a couple days away, if you’ve got some units saved up or are willing to spend on cash offers, no reason not to wait until Friday
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Since ranking just one champ won't bring you valiant offers on cyber, I'd wait to see if you pull something else...

    But just for comparison: Some british youtuber just used his generic 2>3 gem on Gamora, so you might be on to something...
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