Please change the norwegian «Valiant» title

Dear Kabam,
I am a Norwegian mcoc player. I have noticed you named the new «Valiant» title «Tapper» in the Norwegian mcoc language. This word is a correct translation of the word valiant, but I have some remarks about it.
Firstly, you did not name the «Paragon» title in Norwegian, you kept the English word for this title. I like that. It sound pretty badass to be a Paragon. Where is the continuity?
Secondly, the Norwegian word «Tapper» (Valiant) can easily be misread as «Taper», which translates to «Loser». I believe this can cause some confusion with some players, and can be a misleading title name.
My plead to you is «please, change the title name to «Valiant» in the Norwegian setting to keep continuity with the title names and avoid confusion amongst Norwegian players.
I am a Norwegian mcoc player. I have noticed you named the new «Valiant» title «Tapper» in the Norwegian mcoc language. This word is a correct translation of the word valiant, but I have some remarks about it.
Firstly, you did not name the «Paragon» title in Norwegian, you kept the English word for this title. I like that. It sound pretty badass to be a Paragon. Where is the continuity?
Secondly, the Norwegian word «Tapper» (Valiant) can easily be misread as «Taper», which translates to «Loser». I believe this can cause some confusion with some players, and can be a misleading title name.
My plead to you is «please, change the title name to «Valiant» in the Norwegian setting to keep continuity with the title names and avoid confusion amongst Norwegian players.