A way to practice against certain nodes or effects and a mode "Forge-like" mode

iwosoiwoso Member Posts: 28
I have always wondered and wanted a mode similar to the practice mode we have now for practicing against certain node combinations and things like reverse controls. to practice so I'm not wasting energy on the fights.

Also I had an idea similar to Halo's Forge or Overwatch's custom games system combined with the duel system where you can customize a champ with certain nodes or boosters in a custom game sort of mode

I dunno just something i thought would be cool and would help with f2p players like me and an idea that would give more community activity


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,684 ★★★★★
    Kabam will never let players practice fights with nodes because it will lose them **** load of money.
    Players buy units and revives because of inexperienced fights, if everyone started to practice then no one will die and use resources.
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