Am I the only one who this this Champ is trash

Am I the only one who think He still lacks Damage?

Yes, he was Overhauled, But is still not that strong...He has some Utility, But Not good enough

Yes, he was Overhauled, But is still not that strong...He has some Utility, But Not good enough
With constant Taunts, he's very good at controlling the fight and makes good use of the Despair and Inequity Masteries.
I used him (as a r3 6*) for that annoying Sasquatch fight in Thronebreaker EQ; but @BitterSteel can demonstrate Spidey's uses better than I ever will:
I saw some Videos of him in AW, But he is Bzoosted with every possible Boosts
That would really Boost his Attack Power