I pulled stryfe as a 7*....had him as a 6* forever. Opened 7 of the new feature. 4 of them stryfe! Cool! Have to open 30 more before i end up maybe getting photon.
She is good defender cuz basically her specials are unblockable and you cannot dex them (dexterity is disabled against her specials) and high sig photon reduces block prof to near zero so champs who can block unblockable specials (like sinister) still takes a lot of damage + immune to power steal.
It's not a great crystal. It's not a terrible crystal either, but there are a lot of champs in there that will feel like a loss, for the extra 5000 shards.
Thankfully it only took me five crystals to nab Photon!
I picked up a Werewolf on the way, so I think I'll stop there and start saving again.
Jk heres one Agree
Want Vox and Photon. Dont like any of the others
Thankfully it only took me five crystals to nab Photon!
I picked up a Werewolf on the way, so I think I'll stop there and start saving again.