Does anybody have that problem while adding sig stones to a champion?

NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Member Posts: 77
edited November 2023 in General Discussion
I used a skill AG on Zemo then I added 100 sig stones on him but his signature level didn't increase and stayed at Level 1 although the stones were taken from my stash when I contacted the support they said that I used them on massacre not Zemo which is impossible as I used the AG then added the stones from Zemo's info page and I didn't exit or went back in the process to make that mistake. And the level of his sig was 1 not 40 like massacre.


  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    I’ve never had that happen but this 25 sig stone cap seems like some arbitrary nonsense in this case. I hope you can get this escalated and resolved.
  • NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Member Posts: 77

    I’ve never had that happen but this 25 sig stone cap seems like some arbitrary nonsense in this case. I hope you can get this escalated and resolved.

    hope so
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