High end p3 group looking for players.

Death33Death33 Member Posts: 110 ★★
We are a p2-3 alliance looking to solidify ourselves in p2.
Aq map 6
Bgs 300k

Very focused on banquet event

We are looking for members after war season. lmk if interested.
Line id is vecna4evr


  • Death33Death33 Member Posts: 110 ★★
    Just bumping this. Still looking for a few players after season
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    Season ends same day as cut off point for banquet.are the spots not available until war ends?
  • Cataclysm01Cataclysm01 Member Posts: 14
    Yeah so 1 Day after banquet starts is when your points count so don't contribute till you reached your 14 days
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    You have to have been in your alliance since 6th December to be eligible for banquet rewards.the 6th is also the date that war ends,late at night and then rewards won't come for a time after.
    We have 3+ people looking for similar level alliance but we want to be settled before 6th
  • Death33Death33 Member Posts: 110 ★★

    You have to have been in your alliance since 6th December to be eligible for banquet rewards.the 6th is also the date that war ends,late at night and then rewards won't come for a time after.
    We have 3+ people looking for similar level alliance but we want to be settled before 6th

    Nope. If you join on the 7th you need to wait 1 day until opening crystals. You won’t lose any rewards if you do so
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