Congrats on getting Valiant. One year I will get there.
I hope there will be some mats in 8.4 completion or exploration but I'm with you, looking at 2024 as I'm not planning to explore necro. Completion was fun though.
I enjoy playing Maestro. His animations are smooth.
The team knocked it out of the park with the animations but with his offense damage being dog poo and him being a monster on defense he'll never see use on my account lmao
I enjoy playing Maestro. His animations are smooth.
The team knocked it out of the park with the animations but with his offense damage being dog poo and him being a monster on defense he'll never see use on my account lmao
I enjoy playing Maestro. His animations are smooth.
The team knocked it out of the park with the animations but with his offense damage being dog poo and him being a monster on defense he'll never see use on my account lmao
To the one person who disagreed my rank 1 terrax is almost putting out the same damage as my r3 maestro so i don't want to hear it lmaoo