Impossible 1% Defender survival

Even after firing specials that would definitely knock out the defender, MANY of them are cutting off damage at 1%. Not defenders with survival 1% as part of their abilities or a synergy.
This is occurring very frequently.
This is occurring very frequently.
The same sp attack damage that would be double their remaining health, leaves them at 1%, but their sp attack that normally takes half of your health somehow kills you!!!
Normally my response when this happens to me is "&%#%&* 1% bug, #$%%& game stooged me again"
Pretty sure there isn't actually a 1% bug but damn, it's annoying.
If the defender has 250,000 health you'll only see 30% for ~2500 worth of health. BUT, 1% health will appear from just under 5000hp all the way to 1hp, so twice as much.