Creating Pure Banquet Alliance 3.5k Required

My friend and I will be housing our alts in an alliance to crush banquet.
- Line
- 3.5k units
We don’t care about anything other than getting these milestones and won’t ask you to do anything but contribute. I’ll consolidate all of us in a line chat then create the group.
About Me:
- Valiant
- Contributing 4k units personally (My friend is putting in 7k at least).
Put your line id here and Ill add everyone after they provide a screen shot of their unit stash.
- Line
- 3.5k units
We don’t care about anything other than getting these milestones and won’t ask you to do anything but contribute. I’ll consolidate all of us in a line chat then create the group.
About Me:
- Valiant
- Contributing 4k units personally (My friend is putting in 7k at least).
Put your line id here and Ill add everyone after they provide a screen shot of their unit stash.
Currently at 3300 but I’ll be over that by event start.
It's two underscores
Line i.d: sarcastic 112
I also message erock he seen but didn't reply
I can do 3.5-4K units
Can do 4K
Line id-pureskilzz
Alt is Cav 6k+
My line ID is Bulmkt
My line Id is Sandhu12
i have 6k units
Around 6k units
I’ll be in the line chat for both of us:
Line ID: doommaker213
around 3.8k units
Around 3.5k Units
Spending 6k
Have 5k units for banquet..pls add me