Time to rethink Quake & Magik as 6stars?

With 7 stars becoming easier to obtain...and taking them to R3 (R4 and 5 to follow next year or shortly thereafter), should Kabam consider making them 6 star champs? Or at the very least work on their health and damage stats as 5 stars...to combat the every growing health pools of 7 stars (specially when using them in AW)
Time to rethink Quake & Magik as 6stars? 54 votes
There's already champs who's basic kit counters both, regardless of nodes.
► MAGIC - numerous champs that are power control and/or debuff immune
► QUAKE - Weapon X for one has miss/evade counter built into his kit, and any champ with true strike. Plus if KABAM uses a node that grants invulnerability if attacker combo is below 15...if your quaking isn't up to point, you gonna get super frustrated if you keep getting clipped