Time to rethink Quake & Magik as 6stars?

With 7 stars becoming easier to obtain...and taking them to R3 (R4 and 5 to follow next year or shortly thereafter), should Kabam consider making them 6 star champs? Or at the very least work on their health and damage stats as 5 stars...to combat the every growing health pools of 7 stars (specially when using them in AW)

Time to rethink Quake & Magik as 6stars? 54 votes

Make Quake & Magik 6stars
SecondSkrillerRayhanIshaquepseudosaneAssumedNameAdvdzikidzikRiasGremoryIvarTheBonelessAyden_noah1Thorkicaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001Milan1405OldieeOMXUnlessNgoalong711Vedant_MehtaNogood22GoldenDad 33 votes
Leave Quake & Magik as 5stars, increase their stats
HulkbusterN1Z2f6hQCoach_G1AlbertelVidi7Exo27 6 votes
Quake & Makig is too OP as is, leave them as is
Ackbar67Justcause102ZeezooskrystolixEwell65SSS69o_oBen_15455JenskeDJack2634mbgibsonMiniMFPeregrinusToniXD_16HidereGalactikDonut 15 votes


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★
    Quake is never happening
  • Exo27Exo27 Member Posts: 55
    Leave Quake & Magik as 5stars, increase their stats
    Maybe quake, although I doubt it. Magik's power control makes it almost impossible to lose any fight with her
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    Quake will never happen. Less likely than a 7* herc which has a 0% chance. Yes the math is tricky but it has a less probable chance. Magic is probably 1%.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    Make Quake & Magik 6stars
    I don't see how they can say no to either since the new champs have some crazy abilities or damage. I was never a Quake player but I know her value. They can just create nodes to stop her from being effective. I would love a Magik as a 6 or 7 star for sure. Her power control is what I love about her. It's time to bring both Quake and Magik up to par with the meta.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Make Quake & Magik 6stars
    Exo27 said:

    Maybe quake, although I doubt it. Magik's power control makes it almost impossible to lose any fight with her

    It’s a debuff… I can think of 100 fights you can lose with it…
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Make Quake & Magik 6stars
    I think considering we have Hercules Quake would really not be that op anymore. She takes skill, won’t finish fights as fast so won’t really be a bg option and she also gets countered by true strike. She’s really not as strong as she used to be…
  • PufffPufffPufffPufff Member Posts: 54
    Exo27 said:

    Maybe quake, although I doubt it. Magik's power control makes it almost impossible to lose any fight with her

    There are so many game mechanics and nodes they can use to counter those two...

    There's already champs who's basic kit counters both, regardless of nodes.

    ► MAGIC - numerous champs that are power control and/or debuff immune
    ► QUAKE - Weapon X for one has miss/evade counter built into his kit, and any champ with true strike. Plus if KABAM uses a node that grants invulnerability if attacker combo is below 15...if your quaking isn't up to point, you gonna get super frustrated if you keep getting clipped
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Quake will probably never happen, but I’d enjoy a 6 star Magik
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    I remember when Kabam said Scarlet With classic will likely never be released as a five/six star because she just shreds everything. Don't see a reason for Magik not to be released as 6 star, especially since 7 stars are here now and they are really powerful. As for Quake i'm not sure, i never played her well because of lack of skill and patience, but for Quake experts she would be really powerful as a maxed 6 star i guess...time will tell
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