Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

2 Mates ( paragon ) looking for an alliance

Hi, we're looking for an alliance, preferably gold minimum, 13.7k and 14k prestige and can contribute 3k units ( up to 5k) for banquet.


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    WraithnogWraithnog Posts: 11
    Join us at TDMF we need active players we have a couple valiant sand are looking to be gold with the right fit we can make a great team!! Add Nimbus ing
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    IgnieelIgnieel Posts: 53
    Wraithnog said:

    Join us at TDMF we need active players we have a couple valiant sand are looking to be gold with the right fit we can make a great team!! Add Nimbus ing

    Hi! I can't seem to find a 'Nimbus' in game, can you add me ? mine is : Ignieel
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    Join us is what it is
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    Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Posts: 338
    Add me on line: captainmaim

    Gold 2 map 5
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