No Holiday break this year?

For the past two years, AW break was extended 2 weeks and started right after the holidays. This year the first 3 matches are starting over the holiday weekend, when people will be traveling and spending time with family. Was this always the case before this past 2 years?
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It’s to do with committing to a common goal with 29 other people.
Be it aw aq bg banquet.
If you are in an alliance, the norm is to do what’s expected of each member in the alliance, same as all the other 29 people.
Normally, people will have a balance of real life commitment and personal time to play.
Holidays means more real life commitment, normally in the form of visiting and entertaining. This then means less “free time for yourself”.
So when holidays come, if kabam don’t acknowledge that people will generally have other things to do, it’s up to the alliance to decide whether to ask its members to play or not. And in an alliance where war or aq is always on the table for something they always want to do, it means a choice for each person to either stay with the alliance and do it or go during season.
In general, if someone is too busy to play, they should just do what’s right for them - join a chilled alliance for a bit, put the game down, or try and just play when possible and still fulfil the alliance requirements.
It’s nice if kabam can see sense in giving everyone an extended off season, but it’s like someone else mentioned, it’s doable , just pop to the loo and do your lane in one go then you’re done
We will have two alternatives, not playing season 46 of AW or playing and spending the time we would have with family, organizing the attack.
It seems to me that the first alternative will be the most used, we will probably have an empty AW season.
I hope we get a break, that would also make bg season n war season closer to eachother.
I realize the entire playerbase does not celebrate the same holidays. But the majority do. I guarantee you no one will be working for kabaam on the 24/25 or 31/1st. In fact I imagine, and I'm guessing, 95%+ of people who are employed, in the US and Canada, do not work on the 25th of December.
Sure Kabam could have been more thoughtful, but even if they haven’t, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Just make your priorities clear to your alliance, make choices and deal with consequences.
Me and the other officials were talking about that last week, we already decided that after the AW off-season ends, we won't be doing any AQ until january 2th and we're still deciding about AW
Entering the AW it's not just ''hey let me spend just a couple of minutes here'' and it's not that simple, because since most of the people will be traveling, there's wi-fi/4-5g issues that goes with it and they simply can't enter the game at all
So as an official what do i do? Make an AW that people will enter only if they want to? If i do that, at least half of the alliance will not enter cause i gave them this liberty, if i make a serious AW then it will be horrible to keep charging members that deep down i know they just can't enter the game
Please @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax reconsider this situation, you guys gave us a holiday break for the last 2 years, there's absolutely not reason to not do that again
*knock knock* Walks to the door! *opens the door* Hey! What you doing???. *sound of a fight going on*.
RiderofHell is currently predisposed atm. I am AgentofHell i'll be taking over. Rider revealed a critical info that was never meant to be revealed!.
*Connection Lost*.
It’s not really about whether or not it’s doable, it is. It would just be a lot less stressful to not have to worry about this during the holidays.
Thanks for a relaxing holidays Kabamaneezer Scrooges. Really hope you revisit this decision because it will be even more annoying if the new tactic is bugged on AW start and the entire Kabam team is out of office.
If a teammate can’t 100% their path in AQ/AW….so be it. Enjoy ur family.
Just know that we go back to booting slackers the first week of January. 😂