I finally beat Necropolis. My first ever everest content

I just beat the Necropolis for the first time and it's the first ever everest content I've ever done. It was a lot of fun. I had saved up over 5k units which came out to 140 revives plus the revives I had already stashed. I went through about 100 overall give or take. I got a mystic 2-3 gem that I'll probably use on my awakened Wiccan.
I went with mutant crystals trying to hunt for Bishop, but I'm not mad about Domino. I took her to R2 right away. That was so much fun to do.
My team was
6* R4 sig 200 Aegon (did pretty much every single fight)
7* R1 shuri
6* proxy
6* heimdall
7* R1 awakened Wiccan
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