Why is there no 6* quake and magik?

Tman865Tman865 Member Posts: 10
Been thinking about this recently, its been so long now and how come quake and magik haven't gotten their 6* variants?

I think i can fairly speak for most when i say at the current state of the game there are far more powerful champions in each of their respective classes and probably more likely to come. And considering the addition of battlegrounds to the game i think having that upgrade to their rarity would be a great opportunity to have the 6*s available. At this point in the game neither of them are no wheres near broken, and they are certainly no Hercules... so why not give them the long awaited upgrade they so desperately need?


  • TheholyplungerTheholyplunger Member Posts: 89
    Tman865 said:

    Been thinking about this recently, its been so long now and how come quake and magik haven't gotten their 6* variants?

    I think i can fairly speak for most when i say at the current state of the game there are far more powerful champions in each of their respective classes and probably more likely to come. And considering the addition of battlegrounds to the game i think having that upgrade to their rarity would be a great opportunity to have the 6*s available. At this point in the game neither of them are no wheres near broken, and they are certainly no Hercules... so why not give them the long awaited upgrade they so desperately need?

    Quake is broken. She was never intended to be able to do what she can do. Ghost is similar in how she was designed and received on release. Then the community figured out what she could do. So they created a ton of nodes since she's easier to counter with nodes than quake. Rather than nerf Quake and cause the next 12.0, it stands to reason Kabam will not be releasing her as a 6*.

    As far as magik is concerned, she is also somewhat broken in her power control. It wasn't that long ago we were seeing people bring their 5* magik into T1 AW to deal with the nasty power gain node on boss island. Not to mention her limbo damage is insane if you don't have a good counter for her. She's still a possibility I think, but realistically I can't imagine them releasing her either. She's just too good at what she does and invalidates entire fights and ignores so many nodes by power locking them.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,935 ★★★★
    They said same thing about Wolverine once upon a time. Yet here we are. Those 2 aren't going to break the game. I'd quake was that broken, then why isn't anyone bragging about 5* max sig quake?
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Quake definitely still breaks the game. I bring her along every once in awhile for really tricky paths, and she can completely ignore tons of nodes and champions. But, she takes forever now with the huge health pools.

    Kabam's way of phasing her out. She was already boring to a lot before, but now most players who like her won't even put her on the team much anymore.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★
    I wouldn't mind if they finally added Magik to the 6* club but Quake can rot as a 5* forever, at least until they completely rework her it's absurd how much she breaks the game.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,579 ★★★★★
    I don't think we will see a 6* quake. I would bet they have 6* magic ready to go and they are just waiting for a really bad quarter where they won't hit revenue goals and boom, get crystals will be available to buy in the last week of the down quarter.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    Honestly I’d love a 6 star magik, just for the damage boost
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    6* magik would be fine. But I never want to see 6* quake unless they nerfed her.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    Tman865 said:

    Been thinking about this recently, its been so long now and how come quake and magik haven't gotten their 6* variants?

    I think i can fairly speak for most when i say at the current state of the game there are far more powerful champions in each of their respective classes and probably more likely to come. And considering the addition of battlegrounds to the game i think having that upgrade to their rarity would be a great opportunity to have the 6*s available. At this point in the game neither of them are no wheres near broken, and they are certainly no Hercules... so why not give them the long awaited upgrade they so desperately need?

    Quake is broken. She was never intended to be able to do what she can do. Ghost is similar in how she was designed and received on release. Then the community figured out what she could do. So they created a ton of nodes since she's easier to counter with nodes than quake. Rather than nerf Quake and cause the next 12.0, it stands to reason Kabam will not be releasing her as a 6*.

    As far as magik is concerned, she is also somewhat broken in her power control. It wasn't that long ago we were seeing people bring their 5* magik into T1 AW to deal with the nasty power gain node on boss island. Not to mention her limbo damage is insane if you don't have a good counter for her. She's still a possibility I think, but realistically I can't imagine them releasing her either. She's just too good at what she does and invalidates entire fights and ignores so many nodes by power locking them.
    the summer of pain one...iirc , Kabam used to create a node called "True sense" ? That node is designed specifically to counter quake and ghost . I think being able to make Kabam design a node to counter 1 champ/2 champs only spoke enough about how broken they are
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    @ThePredator1001 How would they do that exactly?
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,675 ★★★★★
    OP I think at this point we can comfortably say that you cannot “fairly speak for most” on this.

    Quake should never be released in a higher rarity with her current kit. If Kabam want to rework her or release a different iteration of her, that’s fine, but I actively do not want a 6* Quake in this game. She’s extremely bad for the health of the game because she’s the answer to almost everything, and the only nodes that counter her also ruin a bunch of other champions.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    @ThePredator1001 How would they do that exactly?

    Quake has a cool abilty kit, but the holding heavy in the corner was clearly not intended. I’d give her a charge counter for her heavy, like Cassie Lang has. That way you can still use her but she won’t be able to Quake cheese the whole fight. Maybe give her another minor ability or two to encourage different playstyles. Like an infuriate and then she builds aftershock charges for intercepts? That way when the heavy is on cool down you can do some intercepting.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    @ThePredator1001 Not sure how people would view this change, if they don’t like it, they may ask for RDTs
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    @ThePredator1001 Not sure how people would view this change, if they don’t like it, they may ask for RDTs

    For her to be released as 6* or higher she would need to be nerfed or tuned down. If people want her as a 6* they have to accept that she would need to be changed. Otherwise they can keep their 5* and let her collect dust as she gets left further and further behind.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,119 ★★★★★
    Lots of good points being made on this thread, but it still begs the question, when will we get to see a 7* Quake?
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    @Polygon Year 2050
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