What Has Been the Best Year of MCOC?

NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
Celebrating 9 years of MCOC, which year do you think has been the best for the game in terms of new champions, events, story content, quests, and new additions to the game?

What Has Been the Best Year of MCOC? 97 votes

Logan00Drag0n13ShadowReptileJack2634 4 votes
laserjohn26 1 vote
DrenlinMarostrange2005Toproller89 3 votes
RichTheManRepto23Jerichoharris 3 votes
Crys23DOKTOROKTOPUSBarrier ReefCASrinivasKnordySilentArisstartropics 7 votes
ExHavokPriyansh7ItsClobberinTimeCatmanndoCharlie21540YoungDaq.NosrepGentsy12Death33KingSkeletorLukasBohmRosenbauer 11 votes
SoSA__Remakecaptain_rogersReignkingTWDoctorwho13LpooStark154667Darkraw346LickybrownlikebambiRatedSViperEndgodTNK_131JMC2007JRNoirSoirée 14 votes
MasterduxFilledPizzaJounaaPeeThe_Sentry06SchnoodleWonderfulloser1948Vijay_33Honorable_BluJayMarvelNoobJLordVileJNikeairforceones 11 votes
KilldillSCP1504Adrianz1Yodabolt21Nogood22AshacekarVinodCherryFr4s3rTinnr95MDx13579rebel_Seaweed44Vivesectormcocnoob12345Mystical_fury1 15 votes
BendySecondSkrillerRayhanIshaqueCassyIndioSkay1984RockyshockyPikoluLordSmasherGreekhitH3t3ravengersunit24Adri5846AzenstarSkygod69Sceptilemaniac2ThePredator1001willrun4adonutWhYouSoKiasuRoddyRodster77Isisixkswmr 28 votes


  • NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
    2019 or 2021. 2023 hasn’t been great.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    2020. The gifting crystals had a chance to pull new 6s, and I got CGR IHulk and IBom within months of them.coming out .

    dude the epoch cavs were so cool
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  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    2018 was super fun. Loved the addition of Goldpool and Masacre. Idk why. Also, 2019 was cool because of the intro to the Fantastic 4 and Infinity War. Those 2 years were hype.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,498 ★★★★
    2016 and 2017 were unmatched. Quake, hyperion, starky, AA, and glory first introduced to AQ.

    4 stars were still relevant and ROL was a respectable achievement.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,800 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023
    In terms of everything this year has been insane with the release of 7s all the content the adding exclusive champs adding champs from previous summoner votes to some awesome things like the morbius stamps.

    theres so much this year thats just been always something to do which for me is great, we had a big war boost glory loyalty store increase exclusive 7 crystals in loyalty and incursions, we had 2 different types of incursion side quest which has been awesome as u get to know down the fights whos the harder one to fight. This year is probs been the best year out of all

    Also wanna say happy 9th year to the game and hope more stuff like this year happens next year with stuff to do
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    It's 2022. I didn't start playing until 2020, so I can't judge before that.
    2020 - Start of input bugs and other issues

    2021 - Input issues got worse, great comp at least, but that stopped because inputs were "fixed". Summer of Pain was awesome. Herc ruined the game, Buff program was amazing and exciting. The real downfall IMO of 2021 was the empty promised items such as Masteries 2.0, raids and wish crystals. These were arguably the most requested things by the community and we STILL, nearly 3 years later, have none of them.

    2022 - Battlegrounds introduced (IMO, this saved the game and gave it new life), Eternity of Pain, best year for champs overall IMO (not a single bad champ at all), buff program disappeared mostly, Solo incursions introduced, Start of Act 8, Relics introduced, 7 star shards introduced, tons of major QOL improvements (long time coming). 2022 had FAR more positives than negatives IMO. Also, towards the tail end of 2022, the game was running the best it ever had.

    2023 - Ascension, 7* officially in game, battlegrounds got way better at the start of the year, more act 8, great champs overall, Necropolis (maybe most anticipated thing ever). 2023 was awesome.... until the last chunk of months. Battlegrounds has become stale and boring sadly, AW is a mess (always was I suppose), the new AQ format was badly needed but doesn't feel different at all, the game is now dominated by p2w (I get it, but it's too much now with 7*), the game has become more time demanding than ever before, IF and a big IF, you want to progress without spending, rewards do not scale with current meta. 2023 has been awesome overall, but the gap between big spenders and moderate or f2p is the largest ever and it will only get worse. It's always been a "thing", but the gap is widening at an alarming pace. The rapid release and rank ups of 7* has made BGs mostly unenjoyable.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,832 ★★★★★
    2020 because the community was great between 2017-2020 in forums, in game and line app, you can't say the same in 2023
    Also 2020 were the time of pre nerf act 6 and abyss ( although they were introduced in 2019 itself, most players attempted it on 2020), and the golden age of quaking/ghosting
    2020 was the quarantine period, and for most of us, mcoc was the relief and entertainment
    2020 mcoc is pretty nostalgic for me
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,832 ★★★★★

    2020 because the community was great between 2017-2020 in forums, in game and line app, you can't say the same in 2023
    Also 2020 were the time of pre nerf act 6 and abyss ( although they were introduced in 2019 itself, most players attempted it on 2020), and the golden age of quaking/ghosting
    2020 was the quarantine period, and for most of us, mcoc was the relief and entertainment
    2020 mcoc is pretty nostalgic for me

    Also don't forget the variant era from late 2018 to early 2021
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  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    downloading this sheet in december 2014 . Damn , it is almost a decade now since i have played this mobile video games , definitely the longest mobile game i have ever played . The game was simple back then too , when mastery wasn't even a thing , and i was a skilless dummy scrub . My first 3 star pull from daily crystals was also from dec 2014 too !
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    If we exclude/ignore CW deals and Banquet (if it goes live as it’s announced), then 2023 is the peak year of MCOC so far, and I’m playing consistently since 2016.
    Let’s hope they don’t mess up next year with this slow down (reverse) economy approach, they introduced at CW and kept for Banquet too ☠️
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    This year was great
  • NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
    I really expected more to go for the earlier years. It’s good to see people choosing the more recent years.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,165 ★★★★★
    The easier question is what year has been the worst...
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