Kang Rework

Kang rework

Sig- the Conquerer
Increases Max Conquered debuff to 3
Increases Max Armour stacks to 2
Kang offensive power gain is increases by 20% for each Armour on him

Due to advance Armour, when Armour is active kang is immune to incinerate and shock

Armour up
Give ------- energy and Armour based off attack raiting
Attacker- activities at beginning of fight, has a chance to Armour up by activating special attack
max stack one
Defender- activates at beginning of fight, if broken Goes on 15 sec cool down and replies

Takes 20% les damage from specials, specials deactivated Armour.

When knocked down, kang travels back in time before he got hit and regenerates 80% of damage done by the knockdown hit. Except special 3


Special attacks have a 80% chance to stun apponent for 2 seconds on final hit.

Heavy attacks have a 15% chance to stun for 2 seconds

Ending the combo with a medium has 10% to stun for 2 seconds

Conquer buff


Stunning has a 100% to add passive Conquer buff to kang
Knocking down the Opponent has a 100% to apply Conquer buff

Each Conquer buff increases critical hit by ---- and critical chance by ------.
Max stacks 10
Once kang reaches 10 stacks of Conquer, 10 stacks are removed from kang and a conquered debuff is applied to opponent.
Conquered cannot be shrugged off, and if it fails to apply due to any meanes 7 stacks of Conquer reapplied to kang

Kang gains a Conquer buff every 15 seconds
Intercepting kang removes 1 Conquer buff
Stunning kang removes 1 conqer buff

Max stacks 2
Lasts 10 seconds
When opponent is Conquered they cannot heal or gain power.
Ability accrucy Is reduced by 50%
Conquered opponents can't break kangs block

Special 1

Applies 1 Conquer buff to kang
Has ---- critical chance
Deals ---- energy damage for each Conquer on kang

Special 2
Applies 1 Conquer buff to kang
Has ----- critical chance
Deals ---- energy damage for each Conquer buff

Special 3
Applies 1 Conquered debuff on the opponent
Removes all Conquer buffs and increases critical damage by ------- for each buff removed
If Armour is active return 50% of a bar of power to kang

Yay or Nay


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,559 ★★★★★
    Not bad, but this is my version
    Overhaul: Kang the Conqueror

    Note: Kang now has the animations of 7.3 Kang.

    Kang’s neurokinetic armor allows him to start the fight with an Armor Up buff. If removed, it comes back after 10 seconds.
    While this Armor Up is active, Kang is immune to Incinerate, Coldsnap and Shock. He also gains +X Crit resistance, +X Physical and Energy Resistance
    This Armor Up cannot be removed by non Cosmic champions

    Forcefield (passive)
    Kang has a built in forcefield in his armor capable of withstanding a nuclear explosion even at point blank range.
    While the forcefield is up, Kang can resist Heavy and unblockable attacks from Mutant champions
    The force field has 100 health. Each time Kang would get struck or blocks an attack, it absorbs that damage, up to 50% of its max health. Cosmic champions deal 25% additional damage.
    Once the forcefield is destroyed, it goes into cooldown for 10 seconds. During this time Kang can take regular block damage.
    Cooldown timer increases by 5 seconds each time it is destroyed
    Kang cannot activate this forcefield if he is Armor broken

    New block animation while forcefield is up: Doctor Doom’s Forcefield

    Temporal Divergence
    Kang gains -25% less CPR and DPR. However he does gain 5% of a bar every second
    Kang grows stronger as time goes on. Every 5 seconds, he generates a relatively small Fury buff. Max stack 10.
    Each time Kang activates a special attack, he rewinds time, healing 5% of his max hp.

    Heavy attack:
    Power drains for 25% of a bar of power
    Removes 1 prowess from a mutant.

    Special attacks:
    Special 1: Concussion Beams
    The first beam inflicts Suppression for 7 seconds
    The second beam Armor breaks for 7 seconds
    The last beam Stuns for 2 seconds
    Special 2: EMP cannon
    The first beam cannot be auto evaded
    The next 3 beams power burn and inflict Shock.
    Each power burn removes 2 prowess
    Special 3: Drone Assault
    Inflicts Shock for 10 seconds
    Stuns for 2 seconds
    Restores Kang’s forcefield if it is destroyed. Heals it to full health if it is active.

    Signature ability: Enhanced Neurokinetic Armor
    As Kang’s health decreases, he diverts power to enhance his armor, granting X% Armor
    The amount of armor depends on his Sig level
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