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Nightcrawler blocking bug?

StrategicStrategic Posts: 632 ★★★
So sometimes I use NC for attack on quests cause he's really fun to use on attack. But I noticed something weird.
A lot of times when I was trying to parry after a dash back or hit and block for example he would not block at all and just get hit!
I'm not even talking about parry not working properly. It's weird cause I don't have that problem with any other champ.

Anyone else noticed it? I mean I know he's mostly used on defense but when I have him off defense I like to use him so would like an answer about that.


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    Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    I've noticed it to, and I've been seeing him getting hit when he's supposed to be in his evade phase. Just started noticing it little while ago commented on it in various threads.
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    GaseousClayGaseousClay Posts: 137
    Yes!!! His blocking is bad right now!! Thought it was just me. His timing seems off
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    StrategicStrategic Posts: 632 ★★★
    I've noticed it to, and I've been seeing him getting hit when he's supposed to be in his evade phase. Just started noticing it little while ago commented on it in various threads.

    Weird. I don't remember any threads about it and haven't seen anything in the bugs lists.
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    Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Strategic wrote: »
    I've noticed it to, and I've been seeing him getting hit when he's supposed to be in his evade phase. Just started noticing it little while ago commented on it in various threads.

    Weird. I don't remember any threads about it and haven't seen anything in the bugs lists.

    That's because not many people are talking about it or creating threads about and it's not listed in most bug lists. Mostly it's just some people commenting on it in various threads


    ^ Like here, I mentioned something about him getting hit during evades and I've also noticed that his blocks more problems with him like you and I'm not even sure kabam knows about it since it doesn't get reported or talked about by players.
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    RudyRudy Posts: 2
    I've countered that by only using 4 hit combos. Instead of 5 hit combos. Also the same for mordo.
    It would be nice if they fix that as NC is on my questing team.
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