Please help me my leader kick me out from alliance i really wait so much for banquet event so tell me how can i receive banquet event rewards in new alliance?
if you join a new alliance before the 19th you will be able to get the milestones for banquet but you miight have to wait before opening your cristals to score some points. I recommend you to join a new alliance asap
How does this work? Do you not get any of the alliance milestones that were achieved before your limit lifts or can you get them regardless as long as you contribute at any point
Man that's very very bs of leader, you will have 14 days of cooldown. So today's 15, add 14, 29, so I'll suggest is to start participating in Banquet from 30th December.
It was like last year u have to wait to contribute points and any milestone ur allaince will achieve before ur contribution u can get it no need to worry just find another allaince bro.
If you join by 19th, you can wait 14 days to put up any points for the event. So basically if you join on the 19th, will have to wait till the last day to put up any points for it to contribute to the alliance score.
How does this work? Do you not get any of the alliance milestones that were achieved before your limit lifts or can you get them regardless as long as you contribute at any point
You get all milestones as long as you contribute the minimum amount