Who Was Your Favorite Champ of 2023?

2023 is almost done and this year we had a lot of amazing characters. But it is time to decide, who was your favorite champ of 2023. My favorite was Chee'ilth. I love her design and how Kabam got the finished product by actually going to First Nation people for background. I am usually not a person who loves the Skill class, but Chee'ilth is probably my favorite skill champ in this game. Her damage is so satisfying with those bleeds. That was my favorite, who is your favorite?
I like Morbius, and not just because of the meme, I expected him to be far worse given how they released him. I LOVE L. Deathstrike's attack animations I want her as a 7 star just for that.
Though if I could only choose 1 my fav would have to be Onslaught because I just like the lore and he looks cool as heck.
Unless you're looking for my other answer of Silk.
However, from those I have played, I will probably have to say Vox and Kate. Vox is just a lot of fun, and I love that Kate has such a high skill ceiling. Now that Necropolis launched, you can really see what she can do. I can' t do those things with her, but I've enjoyed seeing other people use her in there.
Oh, and maybe Abs Man. I don't remember if he was released in December last year or January this year. He's been my main mystic champion this year. Unless I very specifically need to nullify buffs or something, he's my go-to option whenever I assemble a team.
I’m not gonna lie guys, I think this was kabam’s best year in terms of champ design and meta relevance ever. So many good champs that were fun to play, and the variety in answers here really reflect that