What champ have you been hunting for the most but still seems to elude you, and at what rarity?
Like the title says, what champ have you been hunting for the most but you just can't seem to get lucky enough to pull them? Currently for me, I've been hunting 7* Bishop. I've wanted him since they released 7*s and I'm currently at 20+ 7*s. The highest I have him is a 5* max rank ascended. I'm curious to know what everyone else is hunting for.
Opening featured for him and so far just trash lol.
I got Hercules as a 5* on the first day he was a available in the basic. I still don't have the 6. He and HT are my biggest 6 gaps.
But man can I dupe Electro!
doesn't show up at all
7* venom
Got rank up gems saved for him, got some cats saved up, and some dust for Ascension. Got everything lined up, except that boy won't show his face in any of my crystals.
he was sig 40 after i opened my first 5 7* crystal.
Also, no Silk either. Even though I opened 50 featureds last time 🙃
OH, and no 6* Nimrod either. 😭
And also I’m still missing Kate Bishop and Absorbing Man as 6*.