Will you ever want this Buff or champion

VivavengerVivavenger Member Posts: 75
So cosmic champions are obviously one of the best class in the game and people are saying that don't want many more cosmic ‘god tier’ champions, they want others like mystique,bullseye,white tiger. But most famous character of mcu and Marvel is obviously Thor but both his versions underwhelming as hell so obviously there should be his better kit or a new version of him like Thor(stormbreaker). What are your thoughts about it would you like it or not.

Will you ever want this Buff or champion 45 votes

ShadowstrikeFurious_Fighter1The_Blue_JaguarCx8Aleorcaptain_rogersWhoDaPooJ4mmy_d0dger123RenaxqqBatman1234BeastDadMusha27Jack2634__SF__2x2yfiremoon712AgenteMagnusSchnoodleVivavengerLicky 35 votes
World EaterWine_LoverAyden_noah1 3 votes
Justcause102Nogood22RuwqiersaWarlockjrThe_0wenpuswillrun4adonutLokx 7 votes


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    I think it's that summoners would rather see champs that aren't usefull at all get the buff before someone like Thor since he still hits hard. Champs like Groot, Superior Ironman, Sentry, and OG Cap (there are lots of others was well) could use the buff way more than Thor.

  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★

    Damn it. I keep thinking every post is a @Redfire_33 post.

    This post is too reasonable to be a @Redfire_33 post. @Redfire_33 post would be Hercules needs a buff since I can't solo Necropolis with Herc. Than a day later, he would post Herc needs a nerf.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    thor is still the man , hits like a god damn truck , but he just got no utility , lack of immunity and become useless facing stun immune nodes/champs . Would love to get an overhaul of him , like what kabam did to iron man and hulk tbh
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