Help me male a necropolis team

Exo27Exo27 Member Posts: 55
Here is my champ roster, I would love suggestions on who to take into necro

I plan on bringing Kate with chavez, and maybe shuri. Any other suggestions/tips are appreciated


  • TrillibossTrilliboss Member Posts: 277 ★★★
    edited December 2023
    shuri chavez kate misty knight for sinergy and nick fury
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,584 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023
    Kate with chavez should be able to take full Titania path. Except maybe Omega Sentinel / Captain Brittan. Which is who I used my R2 shuri against. Then split into apoc path.

    So Shuri should do Omega Sentinel / Cap Brittain/Apoc and Kate does Tigra and Herc I used shuri but you can use kate/chavez.

    So team wise :

    Get shuri to R5
    Juggernaut (for grandmaster)
    Maybe Adam?

    Kate can do the following that I KNOW works

    Dragon Man (parry before his powergain returns = no power gain rest of fight)
    Cap america

    The other 4 fights are

    Omega Sentinel
    Cap Brittain

    Chavez can do Aarkus so she isnt just a synergy.

    For Omega sentinel im not sure if adam works only tested shuri. Cap brittain you could Kate I think if you are fine with reverse controls. Apoc is Apoc.

    Grandmaster you can use anyone and juggernaut for last 30%
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    I see Kate and Chavez already have male relics, so maybe HB for Shuri should help Male what you've already got. Unless robots count as males then any tech relic would be fine.

    You'll probably want Juggs for last phase GM. I did my run with Aegon, so I won't make a suggestion for a fifth.
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