Act 4 Proficiency Points

Hello, dear ones. I come halfway through this text to demonstrate all my indifference with the proficiency points that were not delivered to my account.

I hadn't explored act 4 and when I changed the rewards, those points were simply lost and were not rewarded in my account. Whenever I open a ticket, the support team says they have other more important points to be resolved. I'm very "happy" with this answer, because my desire is to participate in the next tournament, but with the lack of these points, I end up being disadvantaged in certain match ups against high quality players. I love this game, but it's very demotivating.

Please kabam, i need help.


  • GalactikDonutGalactikDonut Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    they said they would hopefully be sent out in january but kabam makes no promise on that timeline. if you had really wanted those mastery points you would have 100% act 4 before they changed the rewards
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