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Falcon's Lock On not affecting Antman's SA

ManFacedManFaced Posts: 4
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
I noticed in a few arena battles that activating Falcon's recon ability was not reducing antman's prym gas control activation despite the description indicating that a lock on reduces defensive ability acurracy by 100%. Has anyone else noticed this problem?


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    TKalTKal Posts: 534 ★★
    Ant man's ability doesn't seem to be affected by any of the reducers
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    ManFacedManFaced Posts: 4
    Which is interesting. Is Gas control not considered a defensive ability then? Because if any ability is defensive, that one is. Lol
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    DocMcShottieDocMcShottie Posts: 45
    AM's sig has always trumped defense ability reduction champs. That's why so many people used to use him on Thorn nodes in AW.
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    ManFacedManFaced Posts: 4
    Good to know. Thanks
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