BG season meta idea- Synergy meta

I want to see a season of BG’s based on synergies. Heimdal insta banned. I think this would bring out the most knowledgeable people and find out unique synergies long forgotten. This would not only allow new players to learn synergies but it would also reward top players for being creative in creating teams that can be competitive. I understand that champ selection is rng dependent so you might not get who you’re looking for and make for more disappointment out of this meta, but maybe kabam could allow 1-2 rerolls free per match to help guarantee that you get the synergy champs you want. You could have so many combinations. If the opposing player understands the champs needed to make synergies for certain champs then they can totally ruin your match and outplay you by picking a better synergy team. I think there would have to be an incentive node to benefit someone choosing synergies over just the basic defender/ attackers. Maybe a fury per synergy stacked on a champ or something like degen if no synergies attached. Idk, but I’m sure someone could think of a fair way to make this meta good and not just complete luck on rng champ selection.