I personally prefer Knull (I was super lucky and pulled a 6* out of his first Cav crystal run when he dropped, only had to buy 1 in the end) so I’m biased, but I can understand why you would take Adam.
Both have different play styles, Adam is a more standard hit ‘em and go champ whereas Knull has a longer build up and alternative playstyles for different objectives
And you only had/have two chances to pull him as a 7* - so don’t really think that’s a big deal.
Plus, I am a big fan of his sig(200) ability.
Anyway, I have a r5 ascended Adam and he can do amazing things. Get used to his play style and don’t get stressed when you see your unblockable timer running down, if you are calm and don’t just dash in when you think you run out of time you’ll notice that it is very easy to keep building your charges while being unblockable
It's great choice if you don't have him as 7*
That venompool is to techclass what bishop is to skill class. He nukes almost all tech champs
Both have different play styles, Adam is a more standard hit ‘em and go champ whereas Knull has a longer build up and alternative playstyles for different objectives
And you only had/have two chances to pull him as a 7* - so don’t really think that’s a big deal.
Plus, I am a big fan of his sig(200) ability.
Anyway, I have a r5 ascended Adam and he can do amazing things. Get used to his play style and don’t get stressed when you see your unblockable timer running down, if you are calm and don’t just dash in when you think you run out of time you’ll notice that it is very easy to keep building your charges while being unblockable