Banquet event …. Just end please

I see the $50 offer and all previous years I bought multiple in a heart beat. This year I just can’t. I look at it and as much as I want to because it’s my favorite event of the year…. I can’t justify the poor rewards in there. I’m down $200 less spent this year than last.
I know changes are coming for this years but I just feel like… get this event done and over with already. I’m ready for what’s next. I didn’t buy myself the valiant tittle either. I worked my ass off finishing necropolis 100%. Perhaps throw some fancy valiant deals on the market store more often or in more quantities. Until then…
I know changes are coming for this years but I just feel like… get this event done and over with already. I’m ready for what’s next. I didn’t buy myself the valiant tittle either. I worked my ass off finishing necropolis 100%. Perhaps throw some fancy valiant deals on the market store more often or in more quantities. Until then…