Necropolis Grandmaster tips needed please!!!

Hi Guys,
Am at the necropolis grandmaster now. Any tips for the fight is appreciated guys to make the fight easier. Fought the original GM long back and dont remember much except the tokens thingy.
As for titania path in the hindsight i would have swapped doom with shuri any day anytime. I brought doom for air walker but aegon can do it just quit if airwalker reaches sp3. Shuri would have saved me lot of revives at capy britain and dragon man coz of the crit dependent nodes. Titania was a revive fest for me for obvious reasons and vision due to his power gain also took lot of revives than I would have liked. Once u get past psychoman it is literally lot lot easier, for me the easiest was guardian and red guardian.
So back to nameless GM, i have around 37 revives, some 60 odd gold potions,17 purple potions and some 300 odd 4 hour crystals.
My worry is, will I run out of resources at the GM before I can take him down. All of the above is just my own experience and perspective of the path.
Thank you in advance!!!
Am at the necropolis grandmaster now. Any tips for the fight is appreciated guys to make the fight easier. Fought the original GM long back and dont remember much except the tokens thingy.
As for titania path in the hindsight i would have swapped doom with shuri any day anytime. I brought doom for air walker but aegon can do it just quit if airwalker reaches sp3. Shuri would have saved me lot of revives at capy britain and dragon man coz of the crit dependent nodes. Titania was a revive fest for me for obvious reasons and vision due to his power gain also took lot of revives than I would have liked. Once u get past psychoman it is literally lot lot easier, for me the easiest was guardian and red guardian.
So back to nameless GM, i have around 37 revives, some 60 odd gold potions,17 purple potions and some 300 odd 4 hour crystals.
My worry is, will I run out of resources at the GM before I can take him down. All of the above is just my own experience and perspective of the path.
Thank you in advance!!!
Just wanted some more fight perspective from the community.
Save your relic for wounded states, it pauses the wounded for a long time so you can get a lot of damage in
Try to frequently get hit while unstoppable as aegon will get his huge furies and you will do a lot of damage even in the not wounded times.
Phase specific
Phase 1 - I did parry heavy until both parry and knockdown were banned, then MLM until light is banned and then dex till its banned and bait the special. Make sure you can dex his special or you will get 3 blunders and he gets an sp3
Phase 2 - just follow the prompts, and remember that failing on that is not grandmaster says still counts, it just gives you a blunder. So you can still get him wounded even if he keeps adding doing the one where you fail if you crit.
Phase 3 - completely ignore the prompts. start with a heavy charge, get hit, reverse controls dash at him and just do as much damage as possible. If you are good with reverse controls go ahead and try to play it correctly, but I found a few revives just bashing him as much as possible got it done quicker
Phase 4 - use Wiccan, do all 3 specials and an intercept and you are done.
Phase 1 go for the knockdown first, it is hard to do when parry is banned. Also medium ending combos will give you a token boosting your damage. So maybe throw a few medium medium intercept combos before triggering the dex ban.
Keep an eye out for the red light. And save the striker for the wounded phase because it will pause the timer giving you a lot more time to do damage.
Phase 2&3: make sure he says grandmaster says, otherwise don’t do the prompt
Phase 3: stay closer to your corner so he gains less power, and if reverse controls are hard for you, you can use Wiccan. The degen from being immune to reverse controls won’t kill you. I found it easier to play at low Hp, than dealing with reverse controls
Phase 4: Use Wiccan and it’s not hard. Throw all 3 sp attacks and do 1 intercept and it’s over. With a revised controls immune champ this is by far the easiest phase.
Goodluck! With a ramped up Aegon you should be able to take him down with the revives you have.
On phase 1, I always got clipped by his initial blast for GM sp1. I ended up just powering through it. Don't be afraid to. If you do decide to just brute force it and not worry about his wounded phase, just don't forget to get hit to gain those nice furies. You may want to also heal up.
Phase 2 wasn't anything too different. It's just hard to remember the GM says/doesn't say part.
Phase 3 was actually my easiest part for all the runs, including initial. I only ever used 3 revives total, and most runs were two revives. Go in with a mlll and be aggressive and repeat until you can get to a striker which can then chain you to a sp3. Then just keep attacking. He was very passive for me every time I fought him in this phase and didn't always throw his sp3 right away. Just remember that the initial medium to backswipe due to reverse controls. Mlll was great you didn't have to worry about reverse controls much.
Phase 4 sounds scary, but his sp2 can NOT kill you, just reduces health. So if your intercept game is on, then don't worry about pushing to sp2. You just don't block much in this phase. I'd suggest healing up your Wiccan though if you have spare revives, even though the sp2 will eat your health away fast.
And boost up for all the ohases. Good luck.
Btw I did check out @DNA3000 @GroundedWisdom @Riptide @Grootman1294
forum posts and it helped me prepare. Thank u for your fight insights guys
I went to my Necro 2nd path and surprise surprise, grandmaster prompts are either not visible or he does not even say anything, using valk relic but still it's not fixed, it's mind blowing that the fix haven't been done yet, so just do monkey strategy and smash with Aegon, hopefully you know the fury trick.
For others, GM was the sole reason I was scared to do Necro (Act 6 GM literally almost made me quit the game). I am below average skill wise for sure. I used about 90 revives to get to GM. Had about 30 left and 2500 units.
He was a lot easier than I imagined. I think I got him down in another 4-6 revives. Used Aegon for all except Phase 4 and then I used Juggernaut to finish it off. And I didn’t do any preparation except read a quick 2 paragraph write up. I completely forgot about the Special Block/Evade/Let Hit thing until the second attempt.
I hope you have some good mystic to r3 (america chavez, wong or wiccan really helps a lot in bgs and necro exploration).
I finished necropolis yesterday. I brute forced my way through everything. PH 4 UGM - bully him to the wall and spam LLLLL until SP3. This works for me. It took several tries so be patient.
@captain_rogers @willrun4adonut i was gunning for blackcat but didnt get Also my 7* roster didnt have any skill champ. Now I have an offence amd defence champ from skill. I have 7* chavez so already took her up with 7* generic 1-2 gem, now need iso for the mystic 2-3 gem. Waiting for that. 7* Chavez is amazing, instaban in BG.
So for everyone else who will be running necro in coming days, if you have shuri bring her in ur team mainly for capt britain / dragonman. Will save lot of revives for u. Also max out pacify mastery and at the start of dragonman fight keep parrying him and try to time the powergain buff return timer to finish before ur parry timer finishes. Within 3-4 tries u will shutdown the powergain buff of dragonman. And then u will be set for a normal fight till ur champ dies and u revive back. Got this info from kt1 YT video, he suggests this for aegon attacker.
Now waiting for crypt rewards. 😇 so thats about it.
She is exclusive to loyalty crystal from the store, which is worth of 1.5 mil loyalty.