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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Different side quests rewards

Does each week of the side quest give different rewards? I’ve got 15 letters and want to know if I should do all the first week, all the final week, or spread it evenly throughout the weeks. Does it make a difference rewards wise?


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    Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Posts: 262 ★★★
    No it’s the same each week, pointless unless 150 7* shards each run is exciting to you
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    mmartin5817mmartin5817 Posts: 84
    The cost benefit isn’t there if you mess up once and need to use a revive 150 shards isn’t worth the trouble. I didn’t even play it after the second week. It’s so boring and I can’t even blitz it. They’ve nerfed the rewards. Where are the Titan shard objectives they had a few months ago?
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