Any idea about 7*ultron

Does anyone have info about 7*Ultron
And will he available in basics or titan
I would love to have him
When the nextpool changes can e
We expect him to be added In basics
If some how I got him
He is definitely my r3
I love to play him
Kindly share something if u know about him
And will he available in basics or titan
I would love to have him
When the nextpool changes can e
We expect him to be added In basics
If some how I got him
He is definitely my r3
I love to play him
Kindly share something if u know about him
And will he available in basics or titan
I would love to have him
When the nextpool changes can e
We expect him to be added In basics
If some how I got him
He is definitely my r3
I love to play him
Kindly share something if u know about him