Max sig advice

I splurged on the banquet enough to get the 200 sig stone instant max out
Who do you think is most worthy? I don’t have any of the newest champs from vox-onslaught and notably also don’t yet have fantman.
I’m leaning towards as none have any stones in them yet
King groot
What would be some other strong contenders worthy of instant max out?
Who do you think is most worthy? I don’t have any of the newest champs from vox-onslaught and notably also don’t yet have fantman.
I’m leaning towards as none have any stones in them yet
King groot
What would be some other strong contenders worthy of instant max out?
Hercules max
Valkyrie max
Scarlet witch max
Thing max
Attuma max
Nimrod 180
Omega red 180
Tigra 60
Cap IW 20
Abs man 100
Ghost 80
Guardian 80
Overseer 100
Maestro 40
Namor 20
Rest either 20 or none
Don’t have kushala,cheelith,werewolf,morbius,onslaught,
Fantman,vox,galan,nova,black cat,mantis,shocker,red guardian,Angela