8.1.6 Scytalis Phase 3/4 bug AND G2099 SP3 not finishing 5%

First off I'm on a:
Samsung S22
Android 14

I went tech Armor Overwhelming path.

So the first issue I encountered was when I hit 12% on Scytalis, where she called out phase change to "Final Objective" (6% too early) but the SP trap sign didn't change from 1 to 2. She didn't drop any traps from SP1 as the trap sign indicated, and she didn't drop any traps from SP2 as the phase indicates. Which means that I had no way of dropping her corrupted armor for 6% HP which with a reset G2099 is a damn long time, and I had to solve that with revives.

The second issue was that when I finally got her down to 5% my G2099 SP3 did 0 damage, 3 times. Fourth time was the charm and it finally worked.

And let me just add that while these issues are super annoying, along with the random frame stutters that makes you miss parrys or throw specials into blocks, they're "bearable" because I can farm revives. This fight made me spend 10 revives I shouldn't have spent if the fight was working as intended.
"Farming revies dilutes the difficulty intended" is a **** argument, in every game where you have end game content you pre-stack your inventory with items that help you clear said content and not having a way to get those items will just make you not go for that content, at least as a f2p. So please stop the weakass arguments for why farming revives is being removed and at least give us the respect and be honest, it's an obvious unitgrab. Most of us were not born yesterday.

BUT I'm not screeching about compensation over the fight I just had, I'm not making 10 new tickets per day for every time I get frame stutters (no it's not my phone just stop) BECAUSE I can farm revives relatively cheap, it "just" takes my time and energy.
However when I can't do that any more, I WILL make a ticket and screech for refunds every time the game isn't behaving as intended, because bugs can't possibly be part of "inteded difficulty".

Thank you.
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