Multiple instances of bad camera “angles”.

GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
I have noticed and experienced personally, instances where during opponents specials the camera angles are very bad or locked where they shouldn’t be.


  • GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Pic 1: Screenshot taken from Onslaught vs. Paragon Gauntlet Onslaught fight (source credit - Marvel King Saitama YT channel), Onslaught boss was throwing a SP1 while he was backed to the wall, camera backed up and went behind the ground debris object in the fight arena.

    Pic 2: Screenshot taken during an AW fight. Right after Darkhawk finished his SP3 animation. The camera was stuck way off to the left, while the characters were on the right side mostly off-screen and I couldn’t see to avoid getting hit until I died.
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