Necropolis 7* selector choice & rankup help

Hi, So I have only path 4 left to do, and wanted to ask the pros here (:
Unfortunately I pulled a 2->3 skill gem from completion without a good 7* skill champ (my Falcon is sig 60 lol, I don't think he should be ranked at all)
Here is my 7* roster, note that I'm not very very much a Killmonger fan, never really used him, and Hulk is a good argument but I do have a nice science 7* roster already.
So questions are:
1. Who to pull from the selector?
2. Who to R3? (and if you have a skill option so 2 R3 candidates then)

Unfortunately I pulled a 2->3 skill gem from completion without a good 7* skill champ (my Falcon is sig 60 lol, I don't think he should be ranked at all)
Here is my 7* roster, note that I'm not very very much a Killmonger fan, never really used him, and Hulk is a good argument but I do have a nice science 7* roster already.
So questions are:
1. Who to pull from the selector?
2. Who to R3? (and if you have a skill option so 2 R3 candidates then)

If you really don’t like Falcon, Elsa has her place and isn’t a bad R3. She is certainly good in this BG meta. I know she is pretty polarizing, but I’d certainly take her up over Hawkeye.
I wouldn’t waste a selector choice on one of the Skill champs unless you already had Killmonger in which case I’d probably take the dup on him. But that is only if you do BGs.
1. If you don't want to r3 the skill champs you have - Falcon, Elsa or Hawkeye - then you need to choose skill from the selector.
But do you value Korg KM or Mantis more than the 3 skill champs you have?
2. If yes, then take Skill selector for your skill r3 gem. Then you use generic r3 on one of your other champs
3. If not, r3 Falcon Elsa or HE and use selector on a champ class you want
Note: this is only if you want Valiant right away. If you're patient you can save your skill r3 gem and hope you pull a different skill champ from 7* or Titan crystal
I'd recommend this approach- wait until Road to the Crypt rewards drop and you'll get up to 2 7* and 1 Titan pull depending on your current shard level.
Good luck!
From the generic gem you can rank up titania or chavez
If that's Falcon, you suggest the second one is a Bishop from the selector and not one that I already have?
And if those were my skills, I'd take up Falcon (esepcially at sig 60!) or wait for a Titan in hopes of Chee'Ilth or Bullseye
Honestly your roster is very strong - you’ve got many of the top champs in each class - so you can’t really go wrong with Bishop, Shuri, Chavez, or even Piggy or Titania if you enjoy playing them. I could make an argument for any of them being worthy. Actually Venom also given you have his relic.
I do play BGs, I mean mostly till I'm done with the victory track and getting Vibranium I.
Shuri is not an option for me, I think she's fine at R2, good for everest content and very specific uses, not globally worth it for R3 in my opinion.
Really after this, its either Piggy, Chavez, Hulk, Bishop, Titania as R3 options.
I'm not opening titans before pool update, but would like to get the valiant before that.
But as a dual threat, onslaught is better.
Onslaught is new, so we can't jump into conclusions.
Remember how much hype infamous ironman has when he was released, Nowadays people rarely rank him up.
A simple armor break can shut him down completely, also nullify abilities too, and they are fairly common in the contest so you rarely ever use him.
For the R3, who out of the three skills you have, do you actually use? Because if you use them, they are worth ranking.
I'm reminded of pushing through abyss to get me first R3 gem and taking up white mags as my first, to become TB, as I only had 2 mutant 6*. I posted a few months after, that I would have r3'd Groot to become TB as the perks were so worth it. I'm not sure it's quite as stark for becoming valiant, so I'd be tempted to do what a few have mentioned and wait to the rewards and change of Titan/basic champion lists.