Team building help for Necro Path 2

Hey everyone, I have finished all but path 2 of the necropolis and I am planning to complete it by the end of this week. My main problem is that I don’t have Shuri even as 6* who is one of the MVP’s for this path. So, I will be requiring some guidance on who to bring as her substitute. I am planning to take a non aegon team with R4 ascended Abs Man, R4 Juggs, R4 ascended Kate. For the final two spots I am thinking of taking Chavez for Kate and Archangel for namor with plans of taking attuma with abs man and maybe the whole team. I am sharing my roster and require your help in choosing the champs for the final two spots.


For attuma, abs man works, as his reverse damage is physical I guess.
I see no reason why kate won't work for an unduped namor? Coldsnap passives count as damaging passives right?