Just completed Necropolis....

and I'm sorry to report I only earned the community 189 deaths instead of the 1 million deaths that my alliance was sure would happen.
Jan. 15th can't come soon enough and I hope your new champs from the rewards are what you want.
Jan. 15th can't come soon enough and I hope your new champs from the rewards are what you want.
Someone with more patience than me could probably do something with the various necro threads here for a tiny data sample.
My team was Aegon, PM, Doom, Juggs and Nick Fury
I'm the most average player out there and I spent 75 revs on titania path, most went to grandmaster alone (30ish).
I used kate, doom and synergies.
You still get the same rewards they do on Road to the Crypt so don’t sweat it. I generally like the forums, but these types of posts don’t bring out the best qualities. It’s a blasted mobile game, you didn’t fail at life because a piece of content cost you more revives than what is averaged here.
On the forums I have seen some post runs with above 100 revives, some below 60… So I‘d say I‘m quite the average player…
Background: Playing since 2015, with some multi-year breaks in between… Have never used Aegon before, only done 1 Path in Labyrinth with Star-Lord at the time, no other Everest content. So not a lot of specific experience…
So if revives-farming is nerfed to death, even a patient player that runs the apothecary and the 22h events for a MONTH, cannot complete a path in Necro without buying additional revives…
Not saying this is a bad thing. Maybe that’s a good thing. Just saying…
Titania - 23 revives
Vision - 21 revives
Omega - 6 revives
AW - 9 revives
Capt. Britain - 11 revives
Wiccan - 13 revives
Psycho - 6 revives
Guardian - 5 revives
Valkryie - 9 revives
Red Guardian - 2 revives
Capt Sam - 4 revives
Dragon Man - 9 revives
Cap IW - 3 revives
Nova - 16 revives
GM -........ 48 revives (this is my only **** about the whole fight. At least 10 or 11 times at the very start of the fight and many times inbetween, the AI was throwing the insta-kill heavy so fast that I didn't have time to dodge back.)
And thanks @Chuck_Finley for the message. Trust me, nothing said on these forums bothers me at all.
I know the "best" synergy team to bring for Ægon includes Proxima for the Combo Shield and Heimdal for the Second Life...
But if you get hit - isn't the Proxima combo shield protection going to make you *want* to quit out of the match right away to save your combo? What does having the unstoppable/indestructable buff do to help you? I'm sure this is quite obvious but my brain is just having a hard time understanding.