Strong P3 in need for new blood to push P2

We are looking for few people to replace retirements and some weaker links in our well developed alliance after BG season is over (2 weeks from now).
For few seasons already we place in the upper half of P3, doing wars in tier 2 and 3. That means we need people with vast experience in those tiers, players who can select proper attackers for their path and contribute successfully in mini boss allocation. Ideally 3,5-4M+ total rating, 19,5k prestige, 10+ 6r5 champions.
As for the rest of game modes: AQ 666 epic mods, placing in top 300. BG: no specific target in regular season, we expect everyone to contribute somehow. In special BG events: 400k minimum expected from everyone.
We are running with most of the players together for quite some time and have a solid, friendly and reliable squad. If you’d like to be a part of it - hmu on Line.
***People with officer experience in Plat 3/4 or higher are very welcome, we could use 2 more officers who know how to plan T2/3 wars***

Line id: couper95
Send your roster and write something about yourself, you have our description above :-)


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